[LoneStarCon 2 -- Progress Report 2]

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The Program Committee is hard at work scouring the globe for the best programming available for LoneStarCon 2. As a WorldCon located on the edge of Latin America, in a city that was formerly part of Mexico, our particular interest will be how science fiction is written, used, and perceived in those countries of the Western Hemisphere South of our own. We hope to have writers, artists and editors in attendance whose mother tongues are Spanish and Portuguese, and to have discussions of science fiction in translation. If you know of any Spanish speaking authors or artists who would be interested in attending LoneStarCon, please bring them to our attention.

As a WorldCon located on the edge of Latin America . . . ,
our particular interest will be how science fiction is written, used, and perceived in those countries . . . South of our own.

Right now what you can do to help create a better WorldCon is to keep those cards and letters coming. If you have heard someone speak particularly eloquently on a topic you think would be of interest to the membership of the WorldCon, report that person to me. I’ll do what I can to draft them. If you are the one dying to speak, let me know that, too. What are the hot topics in SF for you? What gets you excited in your own work or in the work of others? Send me your comments and suggestions.

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Please send any comments to Maintainer: alamowebmaster@alamo-sf.org

This publication ©1996 by LoneStarCon 2, a service mark of the Austin Literary Arts Maintenance Organization, a 501(c)(3) non-profit literary/educational organization. All rights reserved. “World Science Fiction Society,” “WSFS,” “World Science Fiction Convention,” “Worldcon,” “NASFiC” and “Hugo” are registered service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.

The web version of this print publication was designed and produced by The Escher Group: Terry Sisk Graybill, Jane Jewell, Peggy Rae Pavlat and Katje Bonk Renner. All rights to design and design elements ©1996 by The Escher Group and used here by permission. For further information, please contact The Escher Group at: TGraybill@aol.com

All artwork ©1995 by the artists and used here by permission.

Last updated on Thursday, September 05, 1996. This site uses HTML 3.2 and Netscape Enhancement features.
Url: http://www.alamo-sf.org/lonestarcon2/pr2/ls2-15c.html

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