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Programming Narrative

Friday                            Hospitality                  8:00pm-11:00pm

Friday                            Hospitality                  9:00pm-10:00pm

A selection of social and card games available for those who would like to play on. Add to the fun and bring your own!  
Friday                            Boardroom & Hospitality                11:00pm-1:00am

Getting the Most out of Meetings
Time is precious; face-time doubly so. How can we use meeting time most effectively?
Presentation by Mark Hall
Saturday                        Ballroom 1                 9:30am-10:50am

CCE on Microsoft Live
Brent Morgan provides an update on the recent changes to his Convention Comprehension Engine.
Presentation by Brent Morgan
Saturday                        Ballroom 2                 9:30am-10:50am

Y'all Ought to Move: The Search for a New Hotel
When and why should you move? How to look for a hotel; what to look for in a hotel and what to look out for!
Panel with Tim Miller (M), Fred Duarte, Ben Yalow
Saturday                        Ballroom 1                 11:00am-12:20pm

Technology: Threat or Menace :)
From label printers to databases to downloadable program guides, technology both assists in conrunning and adds to our tasks. What can we do with technology to support our cons? What should we watch out for? What is working and how do we tell?
Panel with AT Campbell (M), Jonathon Guthrie, Brent Morgan
Saturday                        Ballroom 2                 11:00am-12:20pm

Lunch Break – 12:30pm-1:20pm

Round Tables
Informal information-sharing sessions on specific topics - Saturday 1:30pm-2:50pm
Registration (facilitated by Meredith Hines)            Ballroom 1
Logistics (facilitated by Keith Irish)    Ballroom 2
Consuites (facilitated by Chuck Coshow)               Boardroom

The Great Balancing Act: Programming for SFF Cons
What considerations guide the development of a program? What influences the choices we make? What tactics and tools exist to help us with those choices?
Panel with AT Campbell (M), Katy Pace
Saturday                        Ballroom 1                 3:00pm-4:20pm

Art Show Database Demo
Scott Zrubek demonstrates his online art show management database.
Presentation by Scott Zrubek
Saturday                        Ballroom 2                 3:00pm-4:20pm

Care and Feeding of Dealers
How to increase the chances of a successful dealers room. What to consider in planning the room, arranging for load-in/out, and in recruiting dealers.
Presentation by Russ Ault & Lee Billings
Saturday                        Ballroom 1                 4:30pm-5:50pm

Bodycount: How Many Fans Does It Take to Run a Con?
How many people do you need to make it work? How do you decide? Is there such a thing as too few? Too many?
Panel with Mark Hall (M), Ben Yalow
Saturday                        Ballroom 2                 4:30pm-5:50pm

Dinner Break – 6:00pm-8:00pm

Teamwork Exercise: SF Pictionary
Austin's A.T. Campbell, III has prepared a special set of prompts for us in order that we can play SF Pictionary! Teams will be structured to mix people from different organizations. How quickly can you adapt to the way your new team members think?
Scorekeeper: A.T. Campbell, III ('cause he already knows the answers...)
Saturday                        Ballroom 1                 8:00pm-9:30pm

A selection of social and card games available for those who would like to play on. Add to the fun and bring your own!
Saturday                        Ballroom 1 & 2          10:00pm-1:00am

Art Shows at SFF Cons
What are the special challenges of running an art show at a con? What benefits do art shows bring us?
Panel with Scott Zrubek (M), Kimm Antell, Anita Haddock
Sunday                          Ballroom 1                 9:30am-10:50am

Getting It in Writing: Con Publications in the 21st Century
How do programming et al. work with publications and website to get their information out where people can see it? How do we effectively disseminate information in multiple formats?
Panel with Pat Virzi (M), Roxanne Bogucka
Sunday                          Ballroom 2                 9:30am-10:50am

How Big is the Big Picture? Questions of Scale in Cons and Conrunning.
There's a whole big world of cons out there, some very local, some with international scope. What are the various types of SFF cons, and what are some of the similarities and differences among them?
Panel with Tim Miller (M), Ben Yalow, Karen Meschke
Sunday                          Ballroom 1                 11:00am-12:20pm

High Water Floats All Boats: Cooperating for a healthy con circuit in Texas
What kinds of things can we do to help each other out? What kinds of things can a broad-based organization, like ALAMO, do to cooperatively support cons in Texas?
Panel with Clif Davis, Kim Kofmel (M)
Sunday                          Ballroom 2                 11:00am-12:20pm

501 Say What Now?: The Realities and Responsiblities of Status for Groups
Non-Profit and Tax Exempt are not the same thing. How do they differ? What do we gain from the various types of status and what responsibilities, such as reporting, do we have in return?
Panel with Clif Davis, Russ Miller (M)
Sunday                          Ballroom 1                 12:30pm-2:00pm

LiveFaceSpaceTweet!: What About Social Networking and What Can It Do for Cons?
Social networks have moved from sociology theory to Internet hotspot. What are some of the social networking platforms and how can we use them to build or promote our cons?
Panel with Keri Bas, Roxanne Bogucka (M)
Sunday                          Ballroom 2                 12:30pm-2:00p